Sunday, April 22, 2007

Social Responsibility Standards

Grades K to 3 Social Responsibility Standards and How the Drama/SEL lessons met the Learning Objectives

1. Criteria: Contributing to the Classroom and School Community

Fully Meets Expectations:
• usually welcoming, friendly, kind, and helpful
• participates in and contributes to classroom and group activities

Drama and SEL Lessons
Chester’s Way: Learning to welcome new students to class. Through a 5 step process: Smile, Eye Contact, Listen to their story and then Tell them yours. “SMILE, ‘EYE’ HEAR U ME WE”

2. Criteria: Solving Problems in Peaceful Ways

Fully Meets Expectations:
- in conflict situations, tries to express feelings honestly, manage anger appropriately, and listen politely; most often relies on adult intervention without considering alternatives
- can clarify problems and generate and evaluate strategies

Drama and SEL Lessons:

- Hunter’s Best Friend: Learning My Way + Your Way = Our Way but also sometimes, No Way. Learning to say ‘No’ to inappropriate behavior in the classroom and helping their friends choose appropriate behaviors
- Enemy Pie: To turn an enemy into a friend, you have to spend the day with them. How does one get to know a person better?
- do an activity together
- eat together
- share information about each other’s cultures and families
- ask them polite questions about themselves
- learn how to say hello and thank you in their language and use these phrases
- share your things with them
- ask your parents and teachers for ideas or help
To change a person you don’t like or don’t know into a friend, you have to be BRAVE to make the first move and to learn new things. When you try new things, you might like them

- King of the Playground: Role play what problem solving strategies they could use to deal with a bully on the playground.

3. Criteria: Valuing Diversity and Defending Human Rights

Fully Meets Expectations:
increasingly interested in fairness; treats others fairly and respectfully

Drama and SEL Lessons:

- Chester’s Way: Getting to Know People My Way + Your Way = Our Way

- Little Stan: Understanding that people sometimes judge by appearance and stereotypes rather

4. Criteria: Exercising Democratic Rights and Responsibilities

Fully Meets Expectations: shows emerging sense of responsibility, generally following
classroom rules; able to identify simple ways to improve theschool, community, or world

Drama and SEL Lessons:

Writing Recipes for Relationships
- Friend Soup
- Enemy Pie
- Community Noodles: Appropriate and Caring behaviors in community settings

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